EFG Most Wanted: Clematis ‘Madame Julia Correvon’

by Caroline Brown

Lordy. I had a terrible work week this past week and haven’t blogged in 10 days! I know you missed me. πŸ™‚

Today I’m introducing a semi-regular feature called EFG Most Wanted. We here at Earth Friendly Gardening see plants that we want but can’t have all the time. I have scribbled post-it notes strewn about my desk and lists in various notebooks with cryptic Latin and common names and I can’t even remember what they are or where I saw them.

EFG Most Wanted puts an end to that. Everytime I see a plant, tree, or shrub that I’m going to get one day come hell or high water, it goes here.

Clematis viticella ‘Madame Julia Correvon’ has certainly earned the first position on EFG’s Most Wanted list. I’ve been pining over her for many years now.

This particular beauty was snapped early last fall at Blithewold Mansion, Gardens & Arboretum. She looks a little purply in this photo but she is really kind of a crimson. Madame Julia is a deciduous, twining, woody vine–a trellis such as the one seen here will help guide her growth, but she will also look lovely covering a rock wall or anything, really.

Like most Clematis, Madame Julia grows best in fertile, well-drained soil and full sun. It’s always good if her feet are shaded but the vine itself should be grown in as much sun as possible. I am told she will also do well in containers. Once she’s established, she won’t required a lot of watering in the summer–only once every couple of weeks.

She’ll grow to about 20 feet tall unless pruned. Pruning Clematis seems mysterious as different varieties require pruning at different times or not at all. It’s not that difficult though…it depends on whether it blooms in the spring, summer or fall, or if it’s a repeat bloomer. Since Madame Julia is a summer bloomer, she blooms on new growth. Prune her early in the season, around March, before blooming. Cut her back to 18-24″ above the ground and she will reach 8-12 feet by the end of the season.

Look out Madame Julia….One day, you will be mine!

More details about pruning Clematis can be found here.

10 Comments to “EFG Most Wanted: Clematis ‘Madame Julia Correvon’”

  1. You were indeed missed C! Here’s to a better week to come….sending loads of good vibes your way!!!!!

    Gorgeous plant, great post. Like the idea of the ‘most wanted’ theme too. I look forward to seeing more posts in this category.

  2. Nice to visit you today! Julia Correvon is quite lovely. I am on the hunt for more clematis. So many plants, so little time! I think I would like to add Clematis montana ‘Rubens’. Do you have that one?

  3. Hi Layanee, Nice to see you. I had not seen that one before but I agree, it’s beautiful–and it looks so vigorous.

    If I don’t watch out I will have to create a whole new category called EFG Most Wanted Clematis. I want just about every variety that I see.

  4. Caroline: Thanks for your blog! I found you through the Natural News link (www.naturalnews.net/wordpress) today. I’ve slowly been bringing the native species back to my small gardening plot in Providence. Sustainability should be a huge issue for all green thumbs! Keep up the good work and good luck with the amaryllis! πŸ™‚

  5. Hi Rich, thanks for stopping by. There are some beautiful native clematis you could check out for yard. Have you looked at Bill Cullina’s book on Native Trees, Shrubs, & Vines? It’s a must have! Good luck on nativizing (???) your yard!

  6. I was starting to think oo we need that one too and then I realized I … recognize that … hey, that’s the moongate! Madame Julia has been slow to establish for us but was much happier this year with some shade on her root parts. I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next on your list.

  7. Hi Kris, I thought she was beautiful! Until I saw her at Blithewold I had only seen photos, but that visit sealed her fate as first on my most wanted list. πŸ™‚

  8. Madame Julia is beautiful. The problem with clematis is there are just so many lovely ones. My most wanted is a saucer magnolia–but where to plant it?

  9. I loved MJ for several years but she didn’t survive the summer my son was born. Today-5/21 she is 1/2 price at Bluestone Perennials!

  10. I am confused re the colour of Julia Correvon. Does it come in two colours, i.e. light purple AND the true red? I have the former, but would love the latter!

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