More scenes from the July garden

by Caroline Brown

Poppies! The one non-food item in my garden. I absolutely love them.

See the ladybug in the middle? She’s doing her bit to keep my garden free of nasty pests.

And a real live honeybee. Pollinate on, little buddy. Thank you for choosing my garden. OK, notice the blossom the bee is on. What kind of blossom is that? This blossom is on 2 plants I bought that were labeled as cucumbers. Here is what the fruits are ripening into:

These aren’t really cukes are they? I’ve seen round cukes but usually they are freaks of nature. All of these appear to be round. Is it some kind of squash, or a melon? They look like they’re going to be yellow, and the skin does have pricklies on it, like a cucumber would. Calling all vegetable identification experts, help!!!

UPDATE: my sister-in-law weighed in that it’s squash, my husband thinks she said butternut. Thanks Jill!!

29 Comments to “More scenes from the July garden”

  1. Could mystery cucurbit (I love that word) be a squash or gourd? Your garden and the whole fox point collective are looking primo. Across town, I have a garden installation (Green Zone) outside Firehouse 13 at 41 Central St in South Prov. Though it is an asphalt and concrete landscape and the garden is in a bunch of used tires and shopping bags, I was totally psyched to find a bee and a ladybug in my little garden. Check out or stop by!

  2. I dunno about butternut squash…my vote is for a “lemon cucumber.” Here’s a page with a picture of one: Looks darn near identical to yours!

  3. I saw the most fabulous field of poppies during the Garden Bloggers Spring Fling in Austin. I came home and promptly planted some in one of my garden beds. Result? Nothing. Nothing at all.

    I really will try harder next year though. They are truly fabulous. Yours are beee-yoo-beee-ful.

    Robin Wedewer
    Gardening Examiner

  4. I’m pretty sure that’s a lemon cucumber. That looks like a cucumber plant and blossom. I’ve never grown lemon cucumbers, but am planning on it next year. They are supposed to be really good. I’d put money on it being lemon cucumber.

  5. It looks exactly like a squash blossom to me! I have them all over my garden and they all look like that. My cucumber blossoms are always white. I don’t know if that really helps you, but good luck with your identifying!


  6. It looks like a cucumber to me. Lemon maybe or just to hot and short on water? Squash blossoms are much bigger.

  7. Looks like a lemon cucumber to me too–just like ones a neighbor got through a similar process. (They’re pretty good–but seedy if they get too big. That one looks ready to pick. Tell us how it is.

  8. I’m with other folks. I’m almost positive that’s an heirloom cucumber known (appropriately enough) as lemon. The poppies are lovely.

  9. Wow, the vegetable experts came through! the photos of the lemon cucumber look just like it. I saw some squash photos that look similar too, though…but I think they might be random round yellow squash.

    I’m going with lemon cuke. One is nearly ripe so we’ll know for sure very soon.

    Thanks everyone for the identification help!

  10. Yep, in agreement with the experts on that one that looks like the lemon cucumbers that we grew last summer. Unfortunately our pet ducks got a taste for the yellow flowers though and devoured most of them, so we only got a few cucumbers!!

  11. Lemon cucumber, definitely.


  12. Beautiful! My new screensaver for the week, thanks C! 🙂

  13. PS: The poppies, that is! 😉

  14. Take care C and safe travels. Sending hugs, G

  15. Thank you for all the wonderful pictures, they remind me of how my gardens use to look. The colors and the smells are what I miss the most but my gardening days are long over. Sites like this bring back all the memories and I thank you for that. Please keep us posted.

    All the best,

    and Happy Blooming!

  16. Hi! I think it’s a Chinese yellow cucumber. I grew some last year. They taste like cross between a cucumber and a very slightly sweet melon. Very nice. Love your photos! Melonee

  17. Just stopping in to see if you are back. Hope you are doing ok. Take care. Sending peaceful, sustaining thoughts your way. Hugs, G

  18. They are definitely lemon cucumbers. I have a large plant in my garden. They are lovely and delicious, and are commonly found at the local farmers markets here in Santa Monica/Los Angeles area.

  19. If you write down what you plan to do with your garden you can save a lot of time. Take the help of a friend if needed. Keep the plan in front of you and let the brainstorming begin. You have to ensure its appearance and calculate the distance of the hose from it. Also if there are any sprinklers needed. This is over and above other points you may think of.

  20. Hi there

    In Australia, we call these cucurbits ‘apple cucumbers’. They are quite delicious in salads or peeled and eaten like an apple with a little salt. The smaller they are the sweeter the taste. So you really did plant cucumbers.
    Regards Susan

  21. Great post! It was very well researched and I enjoyed it very much. I bookmarked your site and will be back very soon, I look forward to reading some interesting posts! Thanks, Whitney

  22. What fabulous photos and a pleaseurable read. Not sure about the butternut/squash, but did it taste nice?

  23. Do ladybugs really get rid of pests in your garden? That’s cool 😉

  24. Thanks for the comment on our site.. like your gardening pics!

  25. They almost look like some of the butternuts I have grown over winter under cover. Should be nice!

  26. Lovely, just lovely! If it came with the cucumbers, then it must be some lemon cucumbers.

  27. My grandfather use to grow poppies and I just love them, so now I have my own. They make for a nice addition to my garden and people really take notice to them. Your poppies picture is a real beauty. Great article!

  28. Lovely pictures! I will also take pictures of my poppies while they still look fabulous.

    I tried growing cucumbers last year but they didn’t last for long. I wonder what I did wrong.

    Any tips?

    Thanks for the pictures!

  29. those lemon cucumbers look wonderful, i wish i had such in my backyard.

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