Tree porn from Blithewold

by Caroline Brown

I caught a terrible cold this week, plus I had an emergency request from a client, so I’ve delayed my next post about last week’s visit to Blithewold. But I promised tree porn, so here it is. These are a few of my favorite trees on the grounds of Blithewold.

To the left is a photo of one of the tallest giant sequoias (Sequoiadendron giganteum) east of the Mississippi. Yep, you read that correctly, right here in little Rhody is a giant sequoia. It was planted in 1911 and is about 90 feet tall–a munchkin by California standards but still pretty impressive.

Below is another giant sequoia–this one was planted in the 1930s. As you can guess, Blithewold’s landscape

architect at the time, had a lot of fun and was very creative. Who else was planting sequoias on the east coast?

By now you’ve noticed that my puny digital camera was no match for these hulking tree specimens so you’re getting to see mostly the trunks of trees. I tried to make them as artistic as possible…but what I really need is a camera with an expensive wide angle lens.

Aaanyways, below is a weeping European beech, Fagus sylvatica ‘Pendula.’ Different varieties and cultivars of European beech are all over the boulevard that Curt and I take care of in the summer, but none so big as this one, which was planted in 1900.

It might not look like much (the camera!) but it’s huge. The branches around the trunk aren’t shrubs, they’re the weeping limbs of the beech.

Last but by no means least is the weeping pagoda tree, Sophora japonica ‘Pendula.’ (Again with the ‘Pendula’–now you know what it means when you see ‘Pendula’ in the Latin name of a plant or tree.) I thought this particular one was fabulously sculpture-like.

Are any of these as impressive as your favorite tree?

4 Comments to “Tree porn from Blithewold”

  1. Hi C, Hope you are feeling better…
    What beautiful trees. I do have my fav. willow tree over at Veggies…which I wrote about a couple of times.

    Get well soon. 🙂

  2. Great shots! The beech seems really muscular to me under its smooth as silk bark – evocative of provocative! And the Sophora is even more sculptural when it’s naked…

  3. A Cgara Caroline,

    i love it – my favourite[s] to mind have to be a
    +laburnocytissus adamii – I’ve only ever planted two and seen two full grown
    cedrus atlantica glauca pendula – done a couple per annum

    and although a leprechauns tree – the coryllus avellana contorta – done too may but love them dearly.

    keep the pics coming – they’re amazing, sincerely

  4. I have fond childhood memories of going to see meta sequoias in England and have been fascinated ever since, they are such majestic trees.

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