Amaryllis update–halfway there?

by Caroline Brown

I potted my Amaryllis Benfica on November 23rd, about 6 weeks ago. Here’s what it looks like–two stems, the tallest being about 5 inches,  and several leaves. According to the grower, it’s supposed to bloom approximately 8-10 weeks after planting and will be around 2 feet tall. I hope it’s not going to be stunted…it must be getting ready to go through a growth spurt. It’s in a south-facing window getting as much sun as it possible can here in mostly-cloudy New England.

7 Comments to “Amaryllis update–halfway there?”

  1. Pretty already (love the leaves) but you’re right, a growth spurt will have to be on the way….to meet that deadline!

    Even if it takes longer, they are so worth it. I just love amaryllis! 🙂

  2. My amaryllis did the same thing… attempted to bloom without growing taller. That’s the first time I’ve had that happen. I did nothing different from previous years, so I am blaming it on ‘cheap bulbs’. I hope yours does better!

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  3. I am betting on more length in the flowering stems – maybe the bulb has concentrated on setting the bud and the stems will follow.

    Re: cheap bulbs mentioned by Carol above. I have two amaryllis on the go. I bought one at the grocery store on sale. It is disappointing since it has produced leaves without any flowers. The other one should be blooming in a few weeks . I guess I’ll know better next time not to buy a cheap bulb.

  4. Yes, it really does look like it’s putting all its energy into those chubby buds. Gosh, I’ll bet its gestating a magnificent pair of showy flowers in there.

    Diane at Sand to Glass

  5. I’m going to hope that the stem growth comes at toward the end, just before the bloom then! This wasn’t a cheap Home Depot-type bulb….it was mail-order from a reputable New England grower and is supposed to be a “lusty giant” according to the catalog.

  6. Maybe now that the days are getting longer and there is more sun it will grow faster.

  7. Some of my Amaryllis bloomed on short stems this year, but they’re still beautiful. Here are a couple of pictures on my blog:

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